Aug 312016

Hello everyone, this message is intended to improve club members etiquette, respect for club equipment and of each other too.  Please take the time to read the points below which really need some improvement overall.


1. Timekeeping – rounds are published in advance with times – so arrive with enough time to set up bows & help set up the field and do some warm ups.

2. Safety, the aim of the club is to provide an enjoyable and safe experience for all its members – please ensure you conduct yourself accordingly.

3. Parking – We are required to leave access available for the water board at all times – please do not block the drive by the clubhouse & note where we have sprayed new lines to mark this area.

4. If you use flags on the bosses to determine wind direction please put them back when the shoot ends.

5. Hammers are there to assist with the locating of targets – please don’t leave them behind bosses; bring them back to the club house at the end of the shoot.

6. Any bosses that are moved to set up a field shoot will need returning to their original position at the end – please stay to help with this.

7. This is a “Target Club” shooting at target pegs damages club equipment which costs money & has no practical benefit what so ever.  Shoot at targets please.

8. If your arrows are getting close to passing through a target boss this is indicating that the target is wearing out and may need some replacement blocks or foam at the next maintenance day or sooner – please advise the club Equipment officer and Captain of the issue – reporting this early is more beneficial to everybody – waiting until there is a damage hole to report and stuffing it with foam to last a shoot is really not acceptable practise.

9. The arrow jack is an expensive piece of equipment and is there to help you not break your own arrows – if it is taken out for use please ensure it comes back to the clubhouse and not left in the field to rust or get lost.

10. If a field captain or range captain asks you to do something especially for safety reasons please respect that their communication is in the best overall interest for club members and behave accordingly acting on what they ask.

11.  Reminder that the club does not have a washing up fairy – if you use it please clean it unless someone else offers for you in which case thank them.


Unfortunately this is quite a list but please appreciate a majority of this was found in just 1 day – we need to behave as a team (Club) respect each other and help each other so that we can all have fun safely.  Please don’t leave it all for the last person at the field.


kind regards Richard – Club Captain.



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